Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Intellectual Genealogy

For our CRD 790 Course (Issues in Communication, Rhetoric & Digital Media), we were required to construct our intellectual genealogy. Both a text version and a visual version was necessary. This was a bit of a challenge for me, to think back to childhood up to now and attempt to make sense of how I came to be situated where I am intellectually. This ended up being a fun project. I was able to think back on how I was raised, on the mentors I have had in higher education and their influence on my intellectual development and path, and how all of these somehow connected.

The visual part was interesting. This is what I came up with. It is by no means close to perfect. I'm sure there are connections that are not quite right and people and theorists missing. However, I think it still gives an outline of this development. The "tree" image seemed appropriate, although I fully acknowledge that the top of the tree now is by no means a note of finality.
NOTE: below is just the image, the links will only work if you follow the actual link to the product